Aus Open allow Z T-shirt man back for Djokovic match after questioning

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The American-Serb super fan shown wearing a Z T-shirt on Wednesday was allowed back into the Australian Open tonight after Zoran Pavlovic claimed it was just the initial to his first name.

Four unidentified supporters were evicted by Victoria Police after incidents following the displaying of the banned Russian flag in Melbourne Park.

But the man shown wearing the black T-shirt was allowed to remain in the Rod Laver Arena because he had immediately covered up the shirt when asked. He was then seen as “compliant” with the rules by Tennis Australia and returned to the event tonight.

Former Ukrainian player Alex Dolgopolov, who is now serving in his country’s army, had tweeted an image of Pavlovic wearing the Z T-shirt on Wednesday and wrote: “This guy will get banned for life, at least for all Australian events, right? @AustralianOpen”.

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But Pavlović told Serbian website Kurir he had been questioned by Victoria Police but explained: “I immediately told them that my name is Zoran and that I am known for t-shirts with the letter “Z”. I also gave them the documents, and the police officers politely apologised to me and let me go. I am an American citizen, I have never had a problem, wherever I am in the world.”

He was back in the Rod Laver Arena to witness Djokovic beat American Tommy Paul in the semi-finals today.

Pavlovic had worn a shirt with the words: “Djokovic, Jordan, Messi” and got it signed by the Wimbledon champion earlier in the tournament.

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Tournament organisers are currently unable to say if the four fans booted out earlier this week are banned or will be able to return for Sunday’s final.

Novak Djokovic will face Stefanos Tsitsipas aiming to winning his 10th Australian Open final.

Security guards at Melbourne Park have been issued with a new set of guidance showing 13 banned flags – including the Belarus flag – and the Russian army symbol shirt showing the Z.

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