Pep Guardiola still unsure whether Manchester City will buy striker this summer

Manchester City boss Pep Guardiola still does not know whether he will buy a striker this summer.

City’s pursuit of Tottenham striker Harry Kane has dominated the transfer window, but Spurs insist their star man is not for sale and City have yet to make an offer that might tempt them to change their mind.

With Sergio Aguero leaving for Barcelona at the end of his contract, City are light on options up front, though that did not stop them from hammering Norwich 5-0.

There is just over a week until the window shuts, and with time running out, Guardiola said bringing in a new frontman is still a “maybe”.

“When we decide to not sign a contract for Aguero and people say what we’re going to do, I said many times: it’ll depend on the market, the options,” he said.

“Maybe we buy or maybe we’ll not. We still have 10 days in the transfer market, we’re going to see what happens, and it depends on that what decision we are going to take.

“If the team is the same one, I said before the 5-0, I’m more than pleased with the team. I know them really well, they know me really well.

“We put in incredible energy this week to realise that still we want to be there, to try to compete with the good teams in England and good teams in Europe.

“We want to be there. The group of people are fantastic, the players have incredible quality, so I cannot complain.

“I’ve never complained since I arrived day one, I will not do it now, but of course the club has an obligation, the duty to look forward, to get better, to feel we can still be there with a tough Premier League and this is what we are going to do.”

If Kane or another striker does not come through the door before next Tuesday, then Liam Delap could be given more of a chance.

The 18-year-old is highly rated at City and signed a new three-year deal on Friday, though he is currently injured.

Guardiola has hinted he will not be sent out on loan this year.

“It was a pity because he arrived in pre-season and the first day he was injured, and he has been injured so far, he’s still injured,” he said.

“He could not train one training [session] with us and the three friendly games we played against Barnsley, against the other teams he was injured.

“It was a good opportunity to see him but we know him quite well. He’s an exceptional striker.

“Many teams want him, maybe he’s the most requested player we have had since we arrived but we count on him, he’s going to train with us and it depends what’s going to happen this season, if he has minutes or maybe we decide on another option.

“But right now, Liam has to recover from his injury, still not play but after start to train with us.”

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