Mikel Arteta sends message to Yaya Toure over Arsenal coaching offer

Mikel Arteta has invited Yaya Toure to get in touch with him if he wishes to continue his coaching education at Arsenal.

The former Manchester City legend is currently working alongside Tottenham academy coaches Dean Rastrick and Chris Powell to gain experience ahead of earning his formal qualifications.

Arteta coached Toure during the twilight of his career at the Etihad Stadium and urged the 38-year-old to contact him if he wants to venture over to the red half of north London.

‘He has my number because we spent some years together,’ said Arteta. ‘He’s a player I appreciate a lot and he has my number and can ask me the question.

‘He certainly has the experience, the expertise and won a lot in the game to add value to the game for sure.’

Toure infamously slipped out of Arsene Wenger’s grasp after the former Arsenal manager missed the opportunity to sign the former midfielder, despite enjoying a successful trial.

Arsenal, meanwhile, travel to Everton on Monday looking to bounce back from Thursday’s disappointing defeat at Manchester United, after which Arteta admitted he needed more from his senior players.

Clarifying that remark, Arteta said: ‘What I said is that the senior players are the ones who have to lead and the younger players are the ones who have to follow.

‘We need that balance in the performances on the pitch and as well off the field.

‘We are getting that balance right and we haver to continue not to rely too much on the rest and this is a team, it’s not two teams that are split, and we need that balance and to manage those moments.

‘First of all keep demanding the best from everybody and ask them for things they can do and they can do well, and do well consistently – and that’s what I try to do all the time.’

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