Football yobs who invaded pitch put fingers up after being banned from matches

A pair of football yobs giggled and showed their middle fingers after being banned from matches for invading the pitch.

Middlesbrough fans Cavanagh Reaney, 19, and Luke Davies, 22, were arrested by police after jumping over the advertising hoardings at the Riverside Stadium during the club's win over Birmingham City on October 5. The incident occurred in the 85th minute after Boro had scored a second goal, which was quickly disallowed by the officials.

Reaney and Davies continued to disrupt the match after entering the field of play as they ran around the pitch before being tackled to the ground by stewards.

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The duo put their middle fingers up to photographers as they left Teesside Magistrates' Court on Thursday, having laughed during their hearing.

Deputy District Judge Jane Hamilton warned them not to "giggle" as she slammed their behaviour, telling them their banning orders were to prevent further violence and disorder.

Both men have been banned from attending matches for four years and handed court bills totalling £253, which includes a £120 fine, £48 surcharge and £85 in court costs. They have also been told to report to Middlesbrough police station within the next five days.

With Reaney and Davies having pleaded guilty to going onto the playing area, Lynne Dalton, prosecuting, told how they had jumped the hoardings after Middlesbrough had scored a second goal, which was soon disallowed.

Following their arrest, both men were interviewed by police, with Reaney telling officers: "I was just being a doyle." He also said that it was a "stupid idea", with the pair accepting their behaviour.

Ms Dalton explained that that Davies has four previous convictions, meanwhile, Reaney is of previous good character. In mitigation, Brett Wildridge stated that Reaney and Davies are both unemployed and receiving Universal Credit.

Mr Wildridge also explained that the pair had been "extremely excited" that Boro had scored and made no objections to the football banning order that had been proposed by the Crown Prosecution Services.

New rules have been introduced for the 2022/23 season which state that any fans who invade the pitch will receive an immediate stadium ban as the authorities crack down on supporter behaviour.


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