Jenson Button praises "forgiving" fiance Brittny as he balances work and family

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Jenson Button is a busy man. If the 2009 F1 world champion isn’t spending time with wife Brittny Ward and son, Hendrix, and daughter, Lenny Monrow, he’s busy working as a pundit for Sky Sports F1, providing his input as a senior advisor at Williams or overseeing his Extreme E team, JBXE.

In amongst all of that, he somehow managed to find the time to chat with Daily Star Sport at the launch of his exclusive Readly magazine collection, and the first thing we asked was, how does he fit it all in?

“Yeah, it’s busy, but it’s awesome,” Button begins with a smile on his face.

“I go to bed by 10pm every night and I’m up at 6am every morning. It’s tricky because you really want to get a balance. I really want to spend as much time with the kids as I possibly can.

“Spending time with them has been awesome, but I also need a balance in my life with having time to myself and fitness training.

“I’ve done it my whole life and I need to keep that up – it’s my release. When I train I come back home and I’m refreshed and I love spending time with the kids.

“In terms of travel and stuff, I’ve kind have had to limit my time away. I don’t want to spend more than two weeks away from the kids because it feels way too long.

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“They change so much in that period of time. I’m still able to travel and Brittny is fantastic and very forgiving.”

Button has plenty of things on the go, but it’s his role as a senior advisor with Williams that our conversation turns to next.

“I’m working a lot with different things at the moment, obviously with Sky Sports F1 and with Williams as a senior advisor.

“I talk to George Russell and Nicholas Latifi now and again on the phone and I’m speaking to Jost Capito [Williams’ Team Principal], and I spend a lot of time on the phone with the engineers, so yeah, it’s really positive.

“I was racing in F1 for so many years that they can almost download me and ask my opinion on things.

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“It’s speaking to the drivers and seeing what they still need from the team because it’s a team that’s going through a lot of change at the moment.

“They have the funding to move up the grid but it’s going to take time and it’s understanding in which direction they need to go with the funding, and what they need within the team and what’s going to help them progress.

“So far it’s been really good. I’m looking forward to when I’ll be able to spend more time with them face-to-face. The restrictions haven’t really lifted in the UK so it’s tough.

“I’ll be spending more time with the team at the factory around the British Grand Prix. At the moment it’s been on the phone, zoom calls and at the races when I’ve been able to spend time with them.

Williams have spent much of the last few seasons fighting it out at the back of the grid, but there’s hope going forward for the British-based team following a takeover by Dorilton Capital and the introduction of new regulations in 2022.

Button believes those regulations could have a positive effect for Williams – but maybe not straight away.

“I think if the regulation changes came into force two years later it would have been better because they have new owners and funding and it does take time”, Button explains.

“The new regulations will help the team but it’s kind of like two or three years down the road where you’re going to see the bigger changes and the team fight further up the grid.

“Next year is definitely a step in the right direction with the regulation changes”.

Jenson Button is fronting Readly’s ‘Step back in time’ retro campaign. Readly is offering two months free unlimited reading to over 5000 magazines and republished retro issues from 22nd June until 30th of September 2021, then £7.99 a month thereafter. Visit for more information.

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