F1 pundit Ted Kravitz chugs beer from shoe of Celtic fan at Australian GP

Formula One pundit Ted Kravitz drank a shoe full of beer at the Australian Grand Prix.

Footage showed the British reporter, 48, coming under peer pressure from the crowd to try what’s called a ‘shoey.' The concept involves pouring beer into a shoe and then proceeding to drink all of its contents.

At Albert Park, Kravitz initially said that he would not do it – but then with the cameras rolling and the crowd around him becoming more fervent, he asked: "So who's shoe am I using then?" A Celtic fan then took his trainer off and it was filled with beer before being handed to Kravitz.

Indeed, the Sky Sports reporter gladly obliged, gulping the beverage live on air with cheers from the bystanders watching on. Upon finishing, he handed back the shoe, saying that the taste was ‘not too bad’ but ‘a bit gritty’. The crowd then tried to goad him into doing another but he promptly fell back into reporting duties for Sky Sports.

And even online, viewers went wild after seeing the 'legend' down his drink. One wrote: "No way has Ted Kravitz just done a shoey out of some randoms shoe. What a legend."

Another tweeted: "Incredible scenes in Melbourne. Ted Kravitz has just done a shoey from another person's shoe."

The ‘shoey’ has grown in popularity thanks to Italian-Australian driver Daniel Ricciardo, who has often celebrated his podium finishes using the tradition.

Do you think Verstappen can pull back his poor start? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

The Australian Grand Prix was won by Charles Leclerc who dominated in Melbourne. Last season’s winner Max Verstappen suffered a mechanical problem and had to retire for the second time already this season. Meanwhile, Lewis Hamilton finished fourth for Mercedes.

The Brit racer claimed he had to back off at one point as his engine was overheating, but left a frustrated radio message to his team as a result. “Basically, I couldn’t race for position because the car was overheating, so I had to back off," he said.

“We were over one second off on Friday and it wasn’t looking spectacular at that point. We did some great work overnight to qualify on the third row and then a great start. I was up in third and it felt great to be fighting, or to feel like we’re fighting for a podium in that moment. But obviously, we couldn’t hold with the pace of the Red Bulls.

“Whilst we haven’t necessarily improved the car over these three races, I think we’ve really extracted the most we could points-wise. From my side, I let the team down in the last race and didn’t get the points but to come away with this result, is great.”

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