Racing chaos as nag wins – but is then discovered to be totally different horse

A horse race was marred by a surprising case of mistaken identity as the eventual winner was deemed the wrong horse.

Ano Manna breezed to victory at Killarney in Ireland on Saturday (September 30) in a comfortable win but soon after, officials realised a stunning error had been made as the 'winning' horse was instead Ano Manna's stablemate, Indigo Five, according to Irish Racing. The second-placed Bang Po was awarded victory at 10-1 amid the shocking controversy.

Horse racing punters couldn't believe what they'd witnessed as one fan wrote: "What an absolute shambles" while another questioned how something like this could occur as they commented: "How on earth can this happen?" Ano Manna began as the favourite at 7-2 for the race at 3:05pm but it was 20 minutes after the conclusion of the race that controversy began to set in.

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An objection to the result was lodged as it was then found out that Ano Manna – who is trained by John James Feane – was a different horse as further complications occurred as bookies had already paid out on the 'winner' by the time the truth was revealed.

The similarities between Ano Manna and Indigo Five caused the mishap as both as bay filly horses with a white splash on their face. The latter was scheduled to run at 5:20pm that same day but was entered in the wrong race. Steward Liam Walsh told Irish Racing: "Ano Manna never ran so it is declared a non-runner and from a betting point of view, is declared a non-runner.

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"The enquiry is not over yet and we have to get through the nuts and bolts of the issue. It takes time to verify the sequence of events but once the events are established, the raceday stewards have the power to demote, disqualify or declare a horse a non-runner for a breach of these rules.

"Mr Feane came in and it transpires they saddled the wrong horse, so their other runner Indigo Five is now a non-runner as it already ran." One fan jokingly took aim at jockey Leigh Roche who rode Ano Manna to the win as they wrote: "Leigh Roche has ridden Ano Manno a few times didn't he know it was a different horse or were they all in on it".

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