Conor Benn ready to switch back into dad mode after explosive Samuel Vargas win

Fresh from his explosive victory over Samuel Vargas, Conor Benn says he now plans on switching back into dad mode before continuing on his fascinating path to welterweight glory later this year.

The 24-year-old produced the most electrifying performance of his five-year career on Saturday night, blasting out Vargas, 31, inside one round at London's Copper Box Arena to send shockwaves rippling through the division.

He wasted no time in calling out a host of potential opponents afterwards, throwing down the gauntlet to the likes of Amir Khan and Shawn Porter in his post-fight interview with Sky Sports.

But for now, his focus will revert back to wife Victoria and their two-month-old son Eli.

"I'd like to spend some time with my family and then go again in August," Benn said in his dressing room after the fight.

"I missed out on that, so I need to spend some time with my family.

"I don't know about looking forward to [changing nappies], but it is my duty as a dad.

"I'm excited to go home and just be emotionally invested in my son."

Benn admitted this week that he sacrificed the small perks that come with being a father to ensure he was at the top of his game come fight night. Instead of cosying up with Victoria and Eli, the Destroyer was sleeping in a spare bedroom and dragging himself up at 5am to get roadwork done.

In the end that cardio wasn't even required, as his first real flurry at the Copper Box overwhelmed Vargas and left the referee with no choice but to call a halt to proceedings after 82 seconds.

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  • "I told people that I wouldn't be surprised if I knocked him out in the first round because of how I've been feeling, how I've been training and how my body's been developing," Benn said.

    "But I did expect a long night's work. I wouldn't be surprised if I went 12 rounds, but I wouldn't be surprised if I knocked him out in the first round.

    "As crazy as that sounds, I prepared for a hard 12, but I knew I had the ability to get him out there in the first."

    Despite being born into wealth and fame as the son of British boxing legend Nigel Benn, Conor has never lacked the hunger and drive required to make his own name in the sport.

    He insists becoming a father has not added any more determination or inspiration to his psyche – because that was already at its maximum.

    "No [I don't have more hunger now], my ambition and drive was always there," Benn added.

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    "My son has changed me more in terms of who I am as a man, who I am as a person rather than career driven.

    "I was always motivated. I didn't come to England to become a father, I came to England to become a world champion. So that ambition was already there, but it has changed me in terms of who I am."

    • Conor Benn not in boxing for money but needs to keep improving to earn fights for titles

    While his flaming desire to lift a world title still burns strong, Benn has set his sights on another short-term target for now.

    "The plan now is to go home and have a curry," he concluded. "And I've got two lots of pancakes I want to order from the breakfast club tomorrow. Don't you worry about that mate!"

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