Man produces WWE-style suplex after MMA fight turns ugly with post-fight brawl

Footage from a pop-MMA event in Russia has again gone viral after a bout was marred by a brawl after the fight.

In fact, what transpired was reminiscent of a staged WWE bout, and not what you'd expect to see inside an octagon. But it was nothing new in the promotion, where anarchy usually reigns as non-professional fighters participate in league events.

During the post-match formalities, the loser seemed to take exception to the female announcer and angrily confronted her. But when he proceeded to shove her, his opponent decided that was a step too far.

He duly stormed back into the cage and tussled with his rival, before delivering an expertly executed overhead suplex. The move was something that even the likes of John Cena would have been proud of.

Eventually, the two fighters were dragged apart by three security figures, all of which were donned head-to-toe in black. Still though, the man who initially kicked things off was struggling valiantly as he was removed from the fight area.

The bouts are designed to give a chance to people who have never had any proper training, or even been involved in a combat sport, to try their hand at MMA. Anyone from an electrician, to a cook, to a ballet dancer can test themselves inside a cage.

In January this year, an inter-gender bout involving a Russian porn star was stopped when a fan stormed into the octagon. Once the spectator had been removed, the bout was restarted with the two fighters in the same positions as they were when things were paused.

A month later, television personality Gogen Solntsen was left with a broken nose after trying to tear off the clothes of his female opponent. Again, this all came after the clash, with no actual winner declared after Solnsten had walked off midway through.

And as the promotion grows in stature, a growing number of fans can no doubt look forward to more chaos on future shows. Indeed, pop-MMA is now running a national leave structure that is proving increasingly popular in Russia.

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