Nick Kyrgios' ridiculous new underarm tweener trick shot stuns crowd

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Nick Kyrgios is no stranger to entertaining tennis crowds with his trick shots but his latest may be his most outrageous yet.

The 26-year-old began his Australian Open campaign against Liam Broady on Tuesday with a 6-4, 6-4, 6-3 win and took no time at all in putting on a show for his home crowd.

The Aussie delighted a raucous crowd at the John Cain Arena by breaking Broady in the first game before upping the ante in his first service game.

Kyrgios combined two of his trademarks – underarm serves and tweener shots between the legs – to dazzle Broady.

Kyrgios hit an underhanded, through-the-legs serve that almost caught Broady off guard but the Brit did manage to return long and gifted the Australian a love-hold.

Unsurprisingly, it sent the Australian Open crowd wild as the world No.115 lapped up the applause.

It seems the crowd are certainly still loving Kyrgios despite the player’s vocal support of Novak Djokovic in the build up to the tournament that saw the unvaccinated world No.1 controversially deported from Australia after being denied a visa.

‘Novak has reached out to me personally on Instagram, saying: “Thank you for standing up for me,”‘ explained Kyrgios on his No Boundaries podcast.

‘I was not the one he was expecting to go out in the media and have his back. As a human, he’s obviously feeling quite alienated in all of this.

‘As a human, that’s a dangerous place to be in – when you feel like the world is against you, like you can’t do anything right.

‘Hawke said that he’s a threat to our borders. Ah, no he’s not. It’s like he’s a weapon of mass destruction at the moment.

‘He’s here to play tennis, he’s not doing anything to anyone. The mistreatment of people in Melbourne has been atrocious in the last two years.

‘I understand the anger towards him for not being vaccinated and getting a medical exemption, but if you look at it on face value, he’s got his paperwork.

‘Me and Novak have a bromance now, he’s back in detention and it’s f*. We are boys now. I can’t wait till the Aussie summer is over and we can play ball.

‘The party after Melbourne is gonna be f nuts, I’ll rent a house and just go nuts.’

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