‘My body has not recovered’: Barty out of Indian Wells, Miami

Ashleigh Barty has delayed her return to the court following her Australian Open triumph, opting out of a pair of major American hardcourt tournaments.

Barty has not played since winning her maiden Australian Open crown in January, but doesn’t yet believe her body is ready for the rigours of the WTA tour.

Ash Barty celebrates her Australian Open crown.Credit:AP

“I wanted to share an update on my schedule for the coming months,” Barty said in a statement on Friday.

“Unfortunately, my body has not recovered the way I’d hoped after the Australian Open and I have not been able to adequately prepare for Indian Wells and Miami.

“I don’t believe I am at the level necessary to win these events and as a result I have decided to withdraw from both tournaments.

“I love these events and am sad not to be there competing but getting my body right must be my focus.”

Barty will now reset her sights on the Billie Jean King Cup in April, where she will lead Australia in a home tie.

“After missing the BJK Cup last year, I can’t wait to wear the green and gold again,” Barty said.

Barty also made a point of expressing her condolences for those impacted by floods in Australia, and the war in Ukraine.

“On a more important note, it has been a tough few weeks at home in Australia and around the world,” she said.

“I send all of my thoughts and best wishes to everyone in Queensland and NSW who have been affected by the devastating floods.

“To the people of Ukraine, especially my peers in the tennis family, we are all thinking of you and hope for peace.”

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