Wilshere admits ‘depressive thoughts’ in brave new interview on mental health

Jack Wilshere admitted he has faced depressive thoughts during his spell without a club after being released from Bournemouth at the end of last season.

The ex-Arsenal midfielder spoke to the Athletic reporter David Ornstein last month openly about his struggles and ongoing fears that his career could be over with no clubs looking to sign him.

Wilshere, 29, received huge support on social media from fans and former players for talking so earnestly and has been offered a chance to train with Arsenal in order to maintain his sharpness.

And the former England international has revealed he faced mental health struggles while dealing with the fact his career could be over before the age of 30.

Speaking on the Original Penguin X Campaign Against Living Miserably Under The Surface podcast, Wishere said: “I think the biggest thing that's helped me is speaking out. We obviously did an interview with David Ornstein and the response and the people that have reached out.

“It gives you confidence, and it helps massively and you know as men and as footballers, we probably find it difficult to speak out and I always had that in my head.

“I didn't think people want to hear someone who is a footballer who gets paid well moaning about things when it could be a dad out there who has to work 15 hours a day just to put food on the table.

“Someone reached out to me and said: ‘you know these thoughts’, I don't want to say depression because I wouldn’t say I’m depressed, but ‘these depressive thoughts – they don't care if you've got money you've got nothing, everyone has them and it's about how you process them and deal with them.’”

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Wilshere went on to add just how speaking openly has helped him, with the public predominantly being in support of the central-midfielder.

“I'd say 95 percent of the public and fans have been supportive of me but you know you always get some like ‘oh what have you got moan about, you've got a nice house, you've got nice cars’, so I didn't want to go down that road but it did help massively.

“It was difficult to do. I also thought it might come across a little bit weak but it actually didn't, it was the opposite, I had the opposite response from people saying how brave you are, and just being really supportive.

“[The Ornstein interview] was a weight off my chest. It just helped me when people were reaching out to me but as well it just motivated me a little bit more as well to keep going and just wait for the right opportunity to come it will come.

“A lot of people were saying that, people in the game who you respect and tell you that; it gives you confidence.”

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