Spider-Man’s Tom Holland declares support for Spurs before ‘snake’ pic emerges

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Tottenham fans were delighted to discover that Spider-Man actor Tom Holland was a fan of the club, but his allegiance may not be all that it seems.

Holland is in the news as he promotes the latest instalment of the Spider-Man franchise, No Way Home.

While most of the coverage has focused around the actor’s involvement in the Marvel film, there has been another strand to the media articles.

That is because of a video glossy magazine GQ released in which the 25-year-old declares himself to be a Spurs fan.

Asked who he would want to see in the Champions League final, Holland replied: “I would want to see Tottenham play Brentford.

“Because Tottenham is my team and Brentford are my uncle’s team and we would… well right now we probably wouldn’t beat Brentford, but I fancy our chances.

“2022 Champions League final – take my money, I’m going. That’s where I’ll be.”

Naturally Tottenham’s official Twitter account took the news and ran with it.

“Clear of Tobey and Andrew,” the club replied, referring to Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield, the actors who previously played Spider-Man.

Quote-tweeting the video, Spurs added for good measure: “Peter Parker, he’s one of our own!”

This being the internet, the claim was unlikely to go without fact-checking from the fans of rival clubs.

And sure enough, it didn’t take long for the sleuths to dig up pictures which they claimed proved Holland’s shaky allegiances.

Holland grew up in Kingston-upon-Thames so perhaps it wasn’t a surprise to see a picture of him as a child in a Chelsea shirt.

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The picture came from an Instagram post on September 3, 2017, in which Holland shared a photo of himself and his mum with a giant snake around their necks to wish her a happy birthday.

The open goal of a joke did not go begging, with fans quickly labelling Holland a “snake” for swapping sides.

It didn’t end there, either, with another one of Holland’s old Instagram posts coming back to haunt him.

In scenes which were reminiscent ofthe famous picture of a young Harry Kane in an Arsenal shirt, a snap of Holland wearing full Gunners kit was posted relentlessly below Tottenham’s tweet.

Holland has in fact addressed this beforehand on his TikTok channel.

“Holland is a supporter of English football club Arsenal,” he read out from his own Wikipedia page. “This is not true, at all. I played for the Arsenal vets once – and that’s not because I’m good at football, it’s because they were short of that many players.”

Even without pictures of Holland wearing rival teams’ kit, there were plenty of joke opportunities to be had.

“Now we know where the webs come from,” wrote one Arsenal fan, referring to Spurs’ trophy cabinet.

  • Champions League
  • Premier League
  • Marvel
  • Twitter
  • Tottenham Hotspur FC
  • Chelsea FC
  • Arsenal FC
  • Spider-Man

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