Ronaldo is a "phenomenon" and Man Utd star should be studied like an alien

Cristiano Ronaldo is so out of this world he should be studied as if he were an alien, says a former team-mate.

Retired striker Liedson da Silva Muniz played alongside the 36-year-old returning Manchester United star for Portugal at the 2010 World Cup.

The 43-year-old said: “Cristiano should be studied not only by Nasa but also by other scientists. He’s an out-of-the-ordinary phenomenon. Each game he plays he beats new records.

“It’s good he serves as a role model for youngsters who dream of becoming a Cristiano Ronaldo in their own lives.’’

Liedson was especially baffled because off the pitch his team-mate was just “like anyone else”.

He added: “It’s inexplicable what he’s achieved. He’s a phenomenon who is the first to arrive at training and the last to leave.

“It’s no fluke he’s gone as far as he has. It’s the result of a lot of hard work.”

Father-of-four Ronaldo is set to play for United against Newcastle at Old Trafford on Saturday.

Do you think Cristiano Ronaldo will be a success again at Manchester United? Let us know in the comments section below.

Red Devils boss Ole Gunnar Solskjaer has confirmed his new recruit will feature at some point in the game, although he did not clarify whether it will be from the start or off the bench.

Speaking about Ronaldo in his pre-match press conference, Solskjaer said: “He’s been having a good pre-season with Juventus, he’s played for the national team and he’s had a good week with us here.

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"He will definitely be on the pitch at some stage that’s for sure."

The Norwegian was then asked about Ronaldo's first few days back at United and said: "Yeah, he's been good. Of course we've followed his career from afar since he left here and I think everyone's very, very happy to have him back.

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"He can speak for himself but he seems like he's happy to be back as well.

"The mood's been very good, he's worked well and we're looking forward to Saturday, of course."

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