Roman Abramovich disqualified as Chelsea director after Government sanctions

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The Premier League have disqualified Roman Abramovich as a director of Chelsea in the wake of the sanctions imposed by the UK Government.

Abramovich is in the process of selling the club but has been told he must make no profit from the deal after recent restrictions.

A statement today read: "Following the imposition of sanctions by the UK Government, the Premier League Board has disqualified Roman Abramovich as a Director of Chelsea Football Club.

"The Board’s decision does not impact on the club’s ability to train and play its fixtures, as set out under the terms of a licence issued by the Government which expires on 31 May 2022."

Chelsea have been plunged into a state of crisis this week after Abramovich had his UK assets frozen.

They are not currently able to sell merchandise or tickets, leaving their only source of income being from food and drinks sales.

Restrictions were also put in place for how much money they can spend – but those have now been amended by the government.

The budget for how much they could spend on hosting home matches had been set at £500,000 per match.

That has now been increased to £900k.

However, the £20k limit on away travel has not been changed.

That makes their trip to France to face Lille in the Champions League next week a difficult task.

It's believed Abramovich does intend to proceed with the sale of the club which he bought in 2003.

He must fulfil the government's requirements and prove he will not be benefiting from doing so.

The Russian oligarch previously pledged to donate all proceeds to his own charitable fund for victims of his home country's invasion of Ukraine.

  • Chelsea FC
  • Premier League
  • Roman Abramovich

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