Police release 50-year-old man after arrest over racist tweet at Marcus Rashford

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West Mercia Police have arrested and released a 50-year-old man during an ongoing investigation concerning a racist tweet aimed at England and Manchester United forward Marcus Rashford.

Having been one of three unfortunate Three Lions stars to miss during the crucial penalty shoot-out against eventual winners Italy, Rashford, Jadon Sancho and Bukayo Saka were sent abhorrent racist abuse online.

Following an outpouring of support for the young pros from around the world, Police said the suspect, from Powick, near Worcester, was detained on suspicion of inciting racial hatred.

The individual, who was not named, has since been released as the investigation continues.

Inspector Pete Nightingale, from Worcester police station, said: "We encourage people to make these reports and are pleased with the speed at which we have been able to deal with this incident.

"We continue to work with the local football community and have links with the local clubs to ensure that this behaviour is dealt with appropriately."

After a mural that celebrated the achievements of Rashford, who was appointed MBE in 2020 for services to vulnerable children, was defaced – it has been repaired and joined by hundreds of supportive messages.

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Rashford had said that he was sorry for missing his spot kick, adding that he "wished it had gone differently" before thanking those that had supported him.

He wrote: “I don’t even know where to start and I don’t even know how to put into words how I am feeling at this exact time.

“I’ve had a difficult season, I think that’s been clear for everyone to see and I probably went into that final with a lack of confidence.

"I’ve always backed myself for a penalty, but something didn’t feel quite right.

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“During the long run-up I was saving myself a bit of time and unfortunately the result was not what I wanted. I felt as though I had let my team-mates down. I felt as if I’d let everyone down.

"A penalty was all I’d been asked to contribute for the team. I can score penalties in my sleep, so why not that one?

“It’s been playing in my head over and over since I struck the ball and there’s probably not a word to quite describe how it feels. Final. 55 years. 1 penalty. History. All I can say is sorry. I wish it had gone differently.”

  • Marcus Rashford
  • England Football Team
  • Euro 2020
  • Manchester United FC

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