Patrice Evra’s current view on Luis Suarez after racism clash ten years ago

Former Manchester United star Patrice Evra has revealed he wanted to physically attack ex-Liverpool star Luis Suarez in revenge for being racially abused.

The Frenchman spoke about how he managed to restrain himself from attacking the forward during the infamous game in which Suarez reportedly called him the Spanish N-word, while he was close to doing the same when the striker snubbed his handshake.

Telling how his rage over the saga nearly came to a physical assault in Manchester, Evra said: “One day I was walking in Manchester in Deansgate and my brother said "oh it's Luis Suarez over there". I was with two of my brothers.

“I looked at him and I was like "That's it, this is the moment".

“And he walked, and behind him I saw his kids and his wife.

“And I turned my back. I was like "if you do something to him you can't do this in front of his family.’”

Evra was speaking on Monday's Diary of a CEO podcast when he added: “So I don't regret it because I think it would have ended up bad. I did nothing that day.'

The two players finally shook hands when Evra was at Juventus and they played Barcelona in the 2015 Champions League final.

Evra said: 'I was talking with Neymar, he (Suarez) passed, he come he shook my hand, he say "you ok?". I said "I'm ok".

"So no beef, but we're definitely not going to go on holiday."

He continued: "I was proud of myself because I was talking to myself – 'should I punch him? But Patrice, this is Liverpool vs Manchester, all the kids are watching this game, people won't understand.'"

"The second half, it was a process, I was like talking to myself "don't do it". You know when you have like a devil and an angel "don't do it, do it, don't do it, do it". All the game. I wasn't in the game.

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“After the game I just sat and Ferguson saw me and was like "Patrice what's the matter? You had a good game".

“David de Gea say "Suarez called him a ne**o".'

Suarez was banned and even refused to shake Evra's hand on his first game back, but Evra said that what really got him was Liverpool's players coming out at one match with a shirt showing support for Suarez after he had been found guilty.

He said: “I did a TV show with Jamie Carragher. We start talking and he said ‘Patrice, I just would like to apologise about what happened nine years ago, what we have done is wrong’".

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