Meet Hansjorg Wyss – the Swiss businessman who Abramovich offered Chelsea to

Swiss billionaire Hansjorg Wyss has claimed he has been offered the chance to join a takeover bid for Chelsea.

Questions have arisen around Roman Abramovich's future at Chelsea after he announced he would be handing over 'stewardship' of the club to its trustees.

The news comes after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, but no UK sanctions have been made against Russian Abramovich.

The 55-year-old Chelsea chief, though, could opt to sell the club, and Wyss has now told Blick: "Like all other oligarchs, he is also in a panic. Abramovich is trying to sell all his villas in England.

"He also wants to get rid of Chelsea quickly. I and three other people received an offer on Tuesday to buy Chelsea from Abramovich."

Wyss continued: "I have to wait four to five days now. Abramovich is currently asking far too much.

"You know, Chelsea owe him £2 billion. But Chelsea has no money. Means: Those who buy Chelsea should compensate Abramovich.

"As of today, we don't know the exact selling price. I can well imagine starting at Chelsea with partners. But I have to examine the general conditions first.

"But what I can already say: I'm definitely not doing something like this alone. If I buy Chelsea, then with a consortium consisting of six to seven investors."

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Wyss, 86, was born in Switzerland, but he currently resides in the USA.

The Swiss made his money as the founder, former president and chairman of Synthes USA, a medical device manufacturer.

As a result, Wyss' net worth is believed to be $5billion (£3.7billion), according to Forbes.

Wyss hit the headlines last year when he pledged to save the planet: "We must save the planet. That is why I am donating USD 1 billion over the next decade."

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The 86-year-old is last known to have lived in Wyoming, but he also owns a 900-acre ranch in Paso Robles, California.

Wyss transformed the ranch's vineyard from 40-acres of vines to 206-acres of grapes, 15-acres of walnuts, and 10-acres of olives.

The Swiss businessman purchased the historic ranch in 2000.

Daily Star Sport approached Chelsea for comment on Tuesday, March 1 regarding Abramovich's future.

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