Mason Greenwood’s Nike deal suspended after Man Utd star questioned by police

Sportswear giant Nike suspended its sponsorship of Manchester United striker Mason Greenwood after he spent more than 24 hours in police custody being quizzed over rape and assault allegations.

The 20-year-old England footballer was still being held in custody on Monday night following his arrest on Sunday after a woman claimed on social media he had attacked her.

Police were granted extra time to continue questioning him.

United bosses have said Greenwood will not play or train while the investigation is on-going.

A Nike spokesman said: "We have suspended our relationship with Mason Greenwood. We are deeply concerned by the disturbing allegations and will continue to closely monitor the situation."

Greenwood, who earns £75,000-a-week, was arrested after a series of photos were posted online showing a woman with blood pouring from a cut to her mouth and bruising to her arm, leg and torso.

An audio clip was also posted of a man threatening a woman.

Yesterday detectives were seen visiting several neighbours of Greenwood who lives in a rented gated mansion in an upmarket Cheshire village.

Neighbour Maureen Foley, 89, said: "They asked me whether I had heard or seen anything. But I hadn't so couldn't tell them much. I have seen him but that's it."

Another neighbour said: "The police asked whether we have heard anything. But he's only been here a few weeks. An Everton player used to live there and another player owns it but Mason just rents it."

A Greater Manchester Police spokesman said the force had been granted additional time to speak to the footballer.

"Enquiries are ongoing and the victim is being offered specialist support,’’ he added.

If you have been affected by issues of domestic violence or coercive control you can call Refuge's 24-Hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline for free. The number is 0808 2000 247, or you can visit

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