Man Utd legend Paul Scholes responds to fans taunts at ‘sucking daughter’s toes’

Manchester United legend Paul Scholes responded to Man City fans who were chanting about him sucking his daughter's toes after their match on Saturday.

A strange video of Scholes appearing to bite the toenails of his 20-year-old daughter, Alicia, went viral last month and earned the former Red Devil a lot of online ribbing.

His old United team-mate Rio Ferdinand even got in on the act.

And now City supporters have taken things up a notch as after their derby day victory they taunted the pundit about the clip in the flesh.

A chant of "Paul Scholes, he sucks his daughters toes" began to ring around Old Trafford towards the ex-England midfielder.

Instead of ignoring the away end, Scholes stepped away from his punditry position next to the pitch, turned around and held his arms out.

City fans cheered at their successful jibe before starting a new repeated chant of "w***er" at Scholes.

Towards the end of the clip shared by one supporter, another attempts to get a chorus of "He sucks toes, my lord, he sucks toes" going.

Can you come up with a better chant for Scholes' antics? Let us know in the comments section.

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The initial video was shared on Alicia's Instagram with the caption 'true love'.

If the aim of the post was to improve her following, then it's been a success for Scholes' daughter.

At the time she had roughly 60k followers on the social media platform, a figure which has now nearly doubled thanks to the exposure of her father's antics.

She didn't follow in his footballing footsteps, but Alicia does play professional netball in the Vitality Superleague.

Recently she moved from her hometown club, Manchester Thunder, to join London Pulse.

Her Instagram feed is filled with posts of her wearing bikinis on holiday and now working out in the gym with the new season set to start in early 2022.

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