Haaland told Real Madrid transfer is best option amid Bayern Munich interest

Lothar Matthaus is convinced that Erling Haaland will leave Borussia Dortmund for another club – and has advised that he make the move to Spain.

The Germany legend said that the striker should opt for a move to Real Madrid rather than Bayern Munich, saying that he would be a great fit alongside Kylian Mbappe.

Matthaus said via Marca: “Haaland may end up at Bayern after (Robert) Lewandowski. But not alongside him.

“Haaland would fit in better at Real Madrid with (Kylian) Mbappe.”

Sanctions imposed by La Liga have seen that the giants have been desperately trying to offload players with the highest wage bill. Eden Hazard and Gareth Bale haven’t worked out and Los Blancos are hoping to be rid of them as soon as possible.

Bale’s contract ends in 2022, while Hazard’s is through to 2024, but rumours have already circulated that the pair have drawn interest from rival clubs.

Lewandowski has spoken about Halaand’s great ability and said that its’ only natural that the forward has attracted attention from the world’s biggest clubs.

“I’m Lewandowski and I’m only looking at myself. He’s a young player, of course, but I’m 12 years older,” said Lewandowski after Bayern Munich beat Benfica 5-2 in the Champions League.

“I’m at another point in life than he is. When you score many goals, it’s clear that many teams are interested. For me, only my performances count.”

Where do you think Erling Haaland will end up Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

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Borussia Dortmund chief Hans-Joachim Watzke revealed Manchester United's offer for Erling Haaland in December 2019 was just wide of the mark.

“You also need hygiene in the cabin,” he said.

"That means: To believe that you will go all-in for Haaland and that all other players will stay as they are, then you will be wrong about the character of the players.

“The renewal process is permanent with us. At some point, the best players are bought away and you start all over again. Developing a top European team over the long term is difficult if you can't keep your players for three or four years. We're not at this level yet."

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