Five potential candidates as next Norwich manager after Daniel Farke axed

With Norwich City rooted to the bottom of the Premier League table after 11 games, it may come as no surprise that manager Daniel Farke was sacked on Saturday ahead of the international break.

However, the timing of it was rather confusing as Norwich had finally claimed their first win of the season after a hard-fought 2-1 away win at Brentford.

The Premier League remains ruthless, and speculation is now mounting over who will take charge of the Canaries following the departure of Farke, and the five names have emerged to be the favourite in the running.

Here, Daily Star Sport take a look at five potential candidates that could takeover as Norwich manager.

Chris Wilder

Chris Wilder is the favourite to replace Daniel Farke, and the former Sheffield United boss has been without a club since leaving the Blades last season.

Wilder spent five seasons at United, and took them from League One all the way up to the Premier League in an incredible three year period.

Upon promotion to the Premier League, the Blades finished ninth in a fabulous first season back in the top-flight, but their second season was quite the opposite, and Wilder was sacked before they were relegated.

However, Wilder has also been heavily linked with Middlesborough after Neil Warnock left his role at the club.

Lucien Favre

Lucien Favre has been linked with a move to the Premier League over the past season, and his time may finally be upon us as Norwich search for a new boss.

Favre left Borussia Dortmund in 2020 and has been linked with both Crystal Palace and Wolves since, and his German connection with Farke who was also previously at Dortmund could be a major bonus for Norwich.

The 64-year-old is vastly experienced, and his last success as manager was in 2019 as he led Dortmund to Super Cup success in Germany.

Favre had also been linked with the Newcastle job, but Eddie Howe's appointment marked the end of those rumours.

John Terry

Does John Terry have a bright future in management? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

John Terry could be finally set for his first managerial role, although it would be a difficult one with Norwich majorly under performing in the Premier League this season.

Terry left Aston Villa this summer as he went in search of his own managerial role, but so far the Chelsea legend is yet to take the leap into management after links with other clubs have failed to materialise.

Villa have seen a major dip in form since Terry's departure as they look to cope without Jack Grealish for the first time since returning to the Premier League, but many have also highlighted the clear impact that the Englishman must have had while he was at the club.

The former Chelsea captain is a born leader and winner, and Norwich could use his spirit as they look to fight against relegation.

Sam Allardyce

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When you think of the ideal manager to help avoid relegation in the Premier League, Sam Allardyce is usually mentioned, and last season's relegation with West Brom was the first in his long managerial career.

Norwich are a side that don't just want to settle for survival, but that may be their best outcome this season after conceding 26 goals in 11 games.

Allardyce is known for sorting out defences and getting the best out of his players in a rather straight forward system, which may not be as glamorous as Farke attempted, but it may be necessary.

Although Allardyce isn't the most vocal figure when he is out of a job, he seems to come from nowhere when he is needed, and this could be replicated once more.

Steve Bruce

Steve Bruce may have only just been sacked, but he could be offered an instant way back into the Premier League should he be offered the Norwich job.

The former Newcastle man was emotional as he was relieved of his duties following the mammoth takeover in October, and Bruce could see this as an excellent opportunity to get back at his former employers.

However, Bruce has said that he wants a break from football so this job may come too soon for the former United defender, who received a cool £8million after being sacked last month.

Bruce did play for Norwich for three seasons though, racking up 141 appearances before moving to Manchester United in 1987.

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