Even San Marino is questioning what the point is after a 10-0 defeat

Even San Marino is questioning what the point of facing England is after a 10-0 humiliation – the losers don’t learn much from mismatches either

  • San Marino lost every single game they played in World Cup Qualifying Group I 
  • They conceded a staggering 46 goals in 10 matches and scored just a single one 
  • Their media lamented ‘merciless numbers’ from another David v Goliath match

Ever considered how they carry out a ‘post-mortem’ amid the scorched earth of San Marino? Of course not.

The routine is familiar by now, after all: another round of international sport produces another bloodbath for sportingly challenged nations and the navel-gazing resumes.

Take England’s 10-0 win in Serravalle and the same old questions: what do we learn from pummelling no-hopers? And what do they gain from another hiding? Well, let’s ask them, shall we?

Even San Marino media are questioning what the point of facing England is after a 10-0 defeat

San Marino lost all 10 games in World Cup Qualifying Group I, conceding 46 and scoring one

‘A Hurricane hits San Marino. It is not news but a football match, a David against Goliath that, this time, does not have a surprise ending,’ was the verdict of local media outlet San Marino RTV. That is Hurricane Harry Kane, by the way.

Yet no country, no matter how bad the beating, can resist a pop at the officials. 

‘To make the evening even more bitter and indigestible, the referee awarded a questionable penalty,’ RTV continued.

Even with that mitigation, the coach of FIFA’s lowest-ranked team cannot avoid questions after a qualifying campaign ends with zero points, one goal scored and 46 conceded.

‘I don’t know what the federation will decide but good foundations have been laid for the future,’ boss Franco Varrella insisted.

The local press were short of positives after being hit by Harry Kane (centre), who scored four

The local press were not so sure. ‘It is time to take stock,’ RTV continued, after the road to Qatar produced ‘merciless numbers, even if Varrella prefers to look at the progress’.

There was no more sympathy in 2003 after Namibia lost 142-0 to Australia — a Rugby World Cup record. Republikein, a Namibian Afrikaans-language newspaper, did not hold back.

‘Namibians do not expect to be world champions in everything, but neither do they want to be world champions of apology.’

Turns out mismatches don’t do much for the losers, either.

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