Deaf football match descends into chaos as dogs and horses invade the pitch

Football is no stranger to a pitch invasion from an animal.

Remember the squirrel that ran onto the pitch during Arsenal's Champions League semi-final with Villarreal in 2006? Or the black cat that briefly stopped play when Everton hosted Wolves in the Premier League two years ago?

Cats and squirrels are both relatively run-of-the-mill intruders, but a deaf football match in Ukraine descended into pure chaos when two dogs and a horse, yes, you read that correctly, made their way onto the pitch.

Remarkable footage has emerged online of the moment the farmyard friends interrupted a Deaf Olympics qualifier between Ukraine and Italy.

The initial pitch invasion took place in the 41st minute, with Ukraine 2-0 up in the game played near Poltava in the central region of the country.

Two small dogs, tails wagging joyously in the air, then trotted onto the pitch and made their way to the edge of the penalty area as a man who appeared to be a coach chased after them.

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The dynamic duo, who showed more movement than some of Arsenal's midfield, then sped up as they headed towards goal, stopped to admire themselves in the six-yard box, and, eventually, were ushered off the pitch.

Incredibly, that wasn't the end of the animal interference.

In the 59th minute of the match, a grey and white horse (yes, really) made its way through a gate and trotted across the pitch near the halfway line.

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The gorgeous grey took a quick look at the dugout, evidently didn't like what it saw, and was guided towards an exit by the side of the pitch.

Spectators captured the incredible moments with their fans, leading to clips on social media that accumulated thousands of views.

"When the horse came out, I just lost it," one viewer remarked, while another responded with a gif which said: "That is some next level s***."

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