Chelsea could go bust in just 81 days if sanctioned Abramovich doesn’t sell club

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Chelsea could go bust in just 81 days with the sanctions on Roman Abramovich leaving the club in turmoil.

The Russian billionaire, 55, has had his assets seized by the UK government amid a crackdown on high-profile oligarchs operating within the British isles.

But the sanctions imposed on Abramovich have had a knock-on effect on Chelsea with the club are no longer permitted to sell tickets or merchandise.

There are even reports that the club can expect to lose over £600k a game as a result of the new restrictions on the club.

Chelsea have been told that a deal must be agreed before their special 'licence' runs out on May 31, in 81 days time.

Under the licence, Chelsea can continue in business and pay wages.

The PM’s official spokesman explained: “A specific licence can be granted to allow any sale to proceed."

Football finance expert Kieran Maguire also claims the club faces a battle to avoid going bust.

"Chelsea have already received the vast amount of money they would expect to generate through the course of a season," Maguire told BBC Radio 5 Live.

"Season-ticket holders have paid their money in advance, as have the sponsors, as have the kit manufacturers.

"Also most of the broadcast money has already been transferred across.

"Under the terms of the government licence, that money is not being prevented from going to Chelsea."

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As well as being forbidden to sell club merchandise and tickets, manager Thomas Tuchel faces a transfer ban.

Under the government sanctions, the Blues are not permitted to register new players and are also unable to renew the contracts of players already on their books.

"The challenges are that Chelsea's wage bill is around about £28m a month," added Maguire.

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"We don't know how much money there is in Chelsea's bank account.

"Historically, Roman Abramovich has always underwritten those months where Chelsea have been unable to afford the wage bill themselves.

"That is a significant unknown."

  • Chelsea FC
  • Roman Abramovich

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