Brendan Rodgers believes Leicester will cope with loss of star players

“It’s (selling talent) something in the main that’s always been done,” said boss Rodgers, ahead of Saturday’s trip to Aston Villa.

“Apart from in the pandemic, where it was really tough financially, and the market value we were going to put on a player maybe wasn’t going to be there.

“You can never be frightened of that. It’s all about that pipeline of players, bringing in the next one. It’s the model that’s here.

“If you can bring players in and develop them to the level they can do here, they will always be of interest, and that will gain them more money and financial abilities later on in their lives. It’s really about bringing in the next one.

“Early on in my career I had a player I was absolutely devastated that I lost, because I thought it would make a big impact on the way my team played.

“I was genuinely (puffs out cheeks) because I was young in my career and I was really down this player had decided to leave when he was on a free transfer. I never thought we could play how we wanted without his big qualities.

“But we ended up getting someone in who was absolutely brilliant and did great and it made me, at that point in time, never really get too in love with a player.

“I love talent and I love working with players but players will come and go and if they do it’s just a case of making sure you’ve got the next ones to come in.


“I learned that early on in my career. Footballers have short careers and they have to maximise that.

“I am a custodian of the club, I have to look after the club and make sure we can try to get the next one in. That’s what we’ll do here.”

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