Red Bull claim cost penalty is ‘draconian’ because of ‘Cold War wind tunnel’

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    Defiant team principal Christian Horner has insisted the penalty dished out to Red Bull for breaching the cost cap is “draconian” because of the team’s ageing wind tunnel.

    The Milton Keynes outfit have entered into an Accepted Breach Agreement (ABA) with F1’s governing body, the FIA. In addition to the fine of just over £6million, Red Bull have had their wind tunnel time reduced by 10 per cent over the next 12 months, a punishment Horner has claimed will cost the team up to half-a-second in lap time.

    He is adamant the loss of aero development will hit the team hard, especially because of their “relic” of a wind tunnel.

    READ MORE: Christian Horner demands apology from Red Bull rivals despite F1 cost cap breach

    “You have to remember we operate out of a wind tunnel that is actually a listed building,” he said in a press conference ahead of practice for the Mexico Grand Prix.

    “It’s a relic of the Cold War. It’s not a state-of-the-art wind tunnel that our competitors enjoy.

    “It was built in the 1950s and it has its own limitations, whether it’s too cold or too hot, getting the conditions to the right temperature. So a penalty like this is hugely draconian.”

    The FIA concluded that Red Bull “did not act in bad faith, dishonestly or in a fraudulent manner” when they broke the £114m cap.

    What do you think about Red Bull's cost cap penalty? Tell us in the comments section below.

    Horner insists the controversy does not detract from Max Verstappen’s controversial 2021 triumph over Lewis Hamilton, who was denied his eighth title by then race director Michael Masi’s incorrect handling of a safety period.

    “I don’t think it has overshadowed Max’s achievements,” said Horner. “Inevitably there was so much noise about last year’s championship anyway. And when this comes up and you hear about it for the first time in Singapore and all the noise comes again.

    “But Max Verstappen won last year’s world championship fair and square. He did what he had to do on the day. He did his job. The team did our job. He won the race. He is the world champion.

    “What we are talking about here had no effect whatsoever on the performance of his car last year.”


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    • Christian Horner
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