Nico Rosberg back in paddock at Bahrain Grand Prix as F1 lift ban

Nico Rosberg tells of his willingness to befriend Lewis Hamilton

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Nico Rosberg will attend the Bahrain Grand Prix this weekend after the 2016 world champion’s ban is lifted by F1 bosses. Rosberg was barred from the paddock last season with the German star forced to use video calls when taking part in TV broadcasts.

F1 bosses restricted the 37-year-old from entering the inner sanctum on race weekends as he did not get vaccinated against the coronavirus. The sport had very strict rules on entry with limited exemptions for anyone who had not received the jab.

Sky Deutschland confirmed Rosberg will make six appearances for the channel across the 2023 campaign. His first broadcast will be at the Bahrain Grand Prix with his second scheduled at Imola in May.

The ex-Mercedes driver will then also provide punditry at the Hungarian, Italian and Qatar Grands Prix with the last race yet to be revealed. Last year, Rosberg’s team admitted he had not been inoculated on advice from his doctor.

They stressed part of his reasoning was down to Rosberg previously being infected with coronavirus and already having natural immunity. A spokesperson said: “Nico Rosberg recovered from a coronavirus infection and currently holds a recovery certificate.

“He has his antibody levels tested regularly and, on the recommendation of his doctor, does not currently require any vaccinations. In addition, he continues to comply with all necessary hygiene and precautionary measures.”

Rosberg was not the only one refused entry as a result of F1’s health decision. Former medical car driver Alan van der Merwe also lost his job by not taking the injection.

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The South African had been praised for saving Romain Grosjean from his burning wreckage at the 2020 Bahrain Grand Prix but was forced out just a year later. He was replaced in the role by ex-Formula E safety car driver Bruno Correira before the 2022 season.

He posted: “I am fully aware that I will potentially be less employable or that my freedom of movement will be restricted based on my choices. That I will not choose convenience over my own health does not mean I am making decisions out of selfishness. We all just want to be health.”

He added: “In Switzerland (I’m half Swiss) and other developed countries, prior infection counts as much as a vaccine. I trust that those countries know what they’re doing, and also respect countries’ more restrictive rules and not travel there. For the avoidance of doubt: if you want to get vaccinated, do it. I’m pro-vaccine for those that want and can have them. Also, be nice to each other.”

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