Hamilton questions Queen tributes and outlines reason for delayed post

Lewis Hamilton reveals the Queen told him off at the Royal lunch

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Lewis Hamilton has revealed he questioned the instantaneous tributes to Queen Elizabeth II following her passing on Thursday afternoon. The seven-time F1 world champion penned a heartfelt tribute of his own on Friday and admitted his delay was because he needed time to “process” the news.

Famous faces from across the sporting world took to social media en masse to pay their respect to Her Majesty who passed away at the age of 96 on Thursday, hours after it was confirmed she had been placed under medical supervision at her Scottish residence of Balmoral Castle. Various figures from within F1 were among those sending their condolences to the Royal Family following the news, however Hamilton was a notable exception.

The Brit has now explained his reasoning for opting to post his own personal tribute the following day, clarifying that he required time to “process” the news, while questioning the rushed responses of others. Following Saturday’s qualifying at Monza, Hamilton said: “How has everyone had time to [process this]? I wanted to take some time to think about it and I was looking at all of these amazing images of her. She was so stylish.”

Taking to Instagram on Friday, Hamilton, who met the Queen on numerous occasions, wrote: “How do you find the words to describe the loss of Her Majesty The Queen? She was truly an iconic leader, an inspiration and a reassuring presence for most, if not all, of our lives.

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“Since the sad news yesterday, I’ve been reflecting on her incredible life. She was a symbol of hope for so many and she served her country with dignity, dedication and kindness. She was truly like no other and I’m grateful to have lived during her time. Her legacy will be long-lasting and her passing deeply felt.

“I had the incredible honour of being able to spend time with her. It is something I’ll never forget. We talked about our shared love of dogs and she was incredibly generous with her time.

“I know the whole nation and many others around the world will be mourning her loss and my thoughts and prayers are with her family and all those close to her, who have lost a loved one. Rest in Peace.”

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Hamilton also admitted it was an “unusual experience” to take part in qualifying for the Italian Grand Prix this weekend given the solemn mood in the United Kingdom, with the sovereign country having entered a period of mourning. The 37-year-old said: “It was an unusual experience.

“I didn’t know what I was going to feel like, like many of you. All of us have grown up knowing the royal family and watching closely. I remember as a kid I adored Princess Diana and that affected me a lot. Now, I’m just thinking ‘What does that mean?’

“We won’t have a Queen now in our lifetime and what does that now mean for the monarchy? I hope that there’s a bright future up ahead still. There are lots of positive things and changes that the royal family and the government can do in the future.”

A minute’s silence was observed ahead of Friday’s first practice at Monza in tribute to the Queen. The gesture is also set to be repeated prior to the start of Sunday’s Italian Grand Prix.

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