Formula 1 chief Toto Wolff sorry for deal with Grenfell fire link firm

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Kingspan’s K15 insulation was one of the products installed on the west London tower block during its refurbishment. An inquiry is examining how Grenfell came to be coated in flammable material which contributed to the June 2017 blaze that killed 72 people.

Pressure group Grenfell United wrote to Mr Wolff urging him to axe the agreement. And Labour frontbencher Lisa Nandy said Sir Lewis Hamilton, who drives for the Mercedes-AMG Petronas F1 team, should make his views “clearly known” to the deal-makers.

In his response to Grenfell United, Mr Wolff said: “The tragedy of the Grenfell Tower fire was beyond imaginable to me and it should never have happened.

“On behalf of our team, I would sincerely like to apologise to you for the additional hurt that this announcement has caused. It was never our intention to do so.

“Prior to concluding our partnership, we engaged with Kingspan in depth to understand what role their products played in what happened at Grenfell.

“Kingspan have stated that they played no role in the design or construction of the cladding system on Grenfell Tower and that a small percentage of their product was used as a substitute without their knowledge in part of the system which was not compliant with building regulations and was unsafe.

“I know that this does not change in any way the awful tragedy you suffered, or the deep and ongoing pain felt in your community, and I would like to thank Grenfell United for the offer to meet in person for me to learn and understand better.”

“Kingspan have stated that they played no role in the design or construction of the cladding system on Grenfell Tower and that a small percentage of their product was used as a substitute without their knowledge in part of the system which was not compliant with building regulations and was unsafe.

“I know that this does not change in any way the awful tragedy you suffered, or the deep and ongoing pain felt in your community, and I would like to thank Grenfell United for the offer to meet in person for me to learn and understand better.”

Shadow levelling-up secretary Ms Nandy said yesterday: “Lewis Hamilton has been an ally of the Grenfell community. He’s spoken out about this issue before.

“I suspect he will be doing that behind the scenes, but the key is to make sure that all of us across the political spectrum ramp up the pressure to ensure that this doesn’t go ahead.

She added: “It is deeply disrespectful to people who lost everything four years ago.”

Shadow levelling-up secretary Ms Nandy said yesterday: “Lewis Hamilton has been an ally of the Grenfell community. He’s spoken out about this issue before.

“I suspect he will be doing that behind the scenes, but the key is to make sure that all of us across the political spectrum ramp up the pressure to ensure that this doesn’t go ahead.

She added: “It is deeply disrespectful to people who lost everything four years ago.”

Ms Nandy’s remarks come after Communities Secretary Michael Gove said the Mercedes team’s decision to accept the sponsorship was “deeply disappointing” and he would ask them to reconsider.

Sir Lewis has previously written about the Grenfell Tower fire on his Instagram account. 

Last year he posted a picture captioned: “Today marks three years since the horrific Grenfell Tower fire in London.

“Remembering the 72 souls we lost and their loved ones, and everyone affected by this tragedy.”

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