Seattle Seahawks QB Russell Wilson aims to play '20-plus years,' then 'own an NFL football team'

Russell Wilson is already a minority owner of the Seattle Sounders, a Major League Soccer franchise.

Wilson’s ownership aspirations extend to the National Football League, as well, though.

However, it’s likely those hopes have a long wait, as the Seattle Seahawks superstar quarterback has plans to stick around the NFL for plenty of autumns to come.

“I knew I was wildly crazy about the game, but I’m ridiculously obsessed with it,” Wilson said on an upcoming AP Pro Football Podcast, via The Associated Press. “That’s why I want to play 20-plus years. I think the other part that you learn about yourself is to have patience. At the same time, you have to have drive. I think that’s such a critical part. The third thing is [having] unrelenting confidence. You don’t want to mistake that with arrogance. It’s strictly confidence in what you do and how you do it and you’ve done it before, and we’ll do it again and with great faith, all things are possible, and that’s really what’s been very evident to me in my journey.”

The 32-year-old Wilson’s journey is currently in its 10th NFL season. Thus far, he’s won a Super Bowl with the ‘Hawks and made it to seven Pro Bowls. So far this season, the Seahawks are struggling with just three wins and he’s been forced to deal with finger surgery.

Wilson mended his bum digit in ultra-quick fashion after a stint on injured reserve, but his return on Sunday against the Packers resulted in a 17-0 loss that was Wilson’s first NFL shutout defeat.

While the here and now hasn’t been all that sensational, Wilson’s career as a whole certainly has been. It’s also been one marked by durability, as his finger injury forced him to miss the first three games of his NFL career. Therefore, playing “20-plus years” might not be all that unrealistic, especially for a purveyor of positivity such as Russ.

Inevitably, his playing career will come to its winter and a plan/dream is in place for Wilson to be an NFL owner.

“I definitely want to play for a long time, but I think once I’m done, I’d love to own an NFL football team and to be able to impact a city, a country and just bring people to the game of football,” Wilson said. “I’m very big into the business side of things and just sports in general. I love winning. I love the process of winning. So hopefully I can bring that culture to a team and organization.”

So far, that’s what Wilson has brought to Seattle and its Seahawks. His head coach Pete Carroll has gone out of his way to convey his belief that if not for Wilson, Carroll might not even still be around.

Wilson’s aspirations for playing football for two decades is likely a comfort to the 12th Man, and his desire to one day make an impact beyond the field is no surprise, either.

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