Peyton, Eli try to debunk Manningcast curse on ‘Monday Night Football,’ but fail spectacularly

It appears the rumblings of a Manningcast curse have finally reached the ears of Peyton and Eli Manning.

A total of six active NFL players have appeared on the Manningcast of “Monday Night Football” in 2021; all of them have gone on to lose the next week. Perhaps that’s the reason Al Michaels, Phil Mickelson, Draymond Green and Philip Rivers are on this week. Unless Rivers comes out of retirement and plans to play by Sunday, there’s no threat of the curse affecting an NFL player in Week 11.

Regardless, Eli Manning tried to get Mickelson — fresh off a PGA Tour Champions finale win — to debunk the curse. He did not oblige, saying, “No, I believe that it is a thing, and that’s why I’m not playing next week.”

Below is a rundown of the players who have come on the “Monday Night Football” Manningcast. Some of the losses were in crazy games (Seahawks vs. Titans, Chiefs vs. Ravens), while others were true head-scratchers (Buccaneers vs. Saints, Bills vs. Jaguars).

That said, Mickelson did offer a potential workaround: simply bring on players whose teams are coming up on a bye. Peyton Manning had a little fun at that notion, saying they could instead bring on players whose teams play the Broncos, Colts or Giants in the next week.

Something else to monitor: whether the Manningcast curse transcends sports, as Mickelson suggested it could. Green will be the guinea pig in that experiment, as the Warriors travel to Brooklyn face the Nets at 7:30 p.m. ET on Tuesday.

The Mannings brought the curse up again, with Eli Manning saying, “You can curse or be cursed. Draymond chose to curse.” (Green previously said the word “ass” on air). Peyton Manning then quipped, “Please beat the Nets tomorrow so we can quit reading about this.”

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