Shane Warne security breach after woman gets in ambulance carrying icons body

Thai police have admitted to a security breach after a woman was allowed into the ambulance that was transporting late cricketer Shane Warne's body.

The woman, a German national, was allowed to spend around 40 seconds alone in the vehicle, raising serious question marks about the security surrounding the repatriation of Warne's body.

According to the Sydney Morning Herald, Australian government officials and two of Warne's friends accompanying his body were seated upstairs in the passenger area of the ferry but did not notice the woman enter the ambulance.

In the video, the woman can be seen with a Thai woman who is talking to local immigration officials near the vehicle ramp down to the ferry.

When the official points to the vessel, the Thai woman bows.

In English, she says: "Yeah, yeah she knows him."

In Thai, she adds: "Thank you very much, she's a friend."

The women is then seen walking up to the driver's cab.

After a brief exchange where she shows the flowers to the driver, he gets out and takes her to the other side of the van.

He opens the door to the van, allows her to get in, and shuts the door behind her.

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The woman spends around 40 seconds inside the ambulance with Warne's body before getting out.

At the time of the worrying security breach, the ferry was yet to leave the pier on the western side of Koh Samui, where Warne died of a heart attack, for the trip back to the mainland.

Lieutenant General Surachate said an investigation had been launched into the episode but police had concluded that the woman had not broken any laws.

"We have to accept that it was [a mistake] for police to miss her and we investigated," he said. "We found that she did not mean harm. She just wanted to pay her last respects."

The woman, later identified as "Barbara", is a Koh Samui resident and apologised on Monday for any offence she might have caused.

"I’m a big fan of him. It’s very sad that we lost him," she told The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

"I took the flowers to pay condolences. I am sorry about yesterday, but I do not mean it as a negative act. I am a big fan, he’s a great player."

Warne died from natural causes, police confirmed on Monday.

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