Iconic jockey Frankie Dettori says ‘whoever invented the mobile should be shot’

Frankie Dettori has blasted the invention of the mobile phone and social media

In fact, the 50-year-old has only just learnt how to text and has no control over his Instagram page.

He passes on any photographs he wishes to upload to the site, to his secretary who does the honours.

Why does he do this? “That way if I get abuse, I won’t hear it,” he told Horse and Hound.

Dettori detests the mobile and social media apps and even blames those who invented them.

He added: "I completely hate it, I just learned how to text a couple of months ago.

"Whoever invented the mobile phone should be shot instantly."

A documentary about Dettori's life is soon to be released, which will include a look at his darkest period where he battled bulimia, depression and cocaine use in the early 2010s.

His wife, Catherine, recalls: “We saw the darkness. Anxiety, depression and his weight was really bad.

“He would eat too much, then make himself sick. It was bulimia, a really frightening time.”

Dettori forced himself to throw up two to three times a day, which led him to the drugs.

“It was self-harming. I went through it badly. You feel ashamed, scared, you have heart palpitations, anxiety," the 50-year-old says in his upcoming film.

“My job was going t**s up, I was angry and frustrated, I fell into the trap of depression and took some cocaine.”

That drug use was soon picked up by a test in France and resulted in a six-month worldwide ban from the sport.

Dettori added: “They were dark days. I was 44 and thinking, ‘Maybe I have to prepare myself for retirement and start another life’. It didn’t look like there was a way out.

“Catherine was concerned for me and the family and she burst into tears. She started shouting, ‘All your life you’ve been telling me you’re good. Now that we need you, show me how good you are!’”

It was not an easy road back to the sport as he was given the cold shoulder by many, but trainer John Gosden took a chance on him and Dettori seized the opportunity.

The 2015 Derby win on Golden Horn was the origin point of their supremely successful partnership which has birthed countless successes since.

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