Fishing champions caught cheating red-handed as rivals demand call the cops

A fishing event in America descended into chaos after two competitors were accused of cheating and told "you should be in jail."

On Friday, Chase Cominsky of Hermitage, and Jake Runyan of Cleveland were declared winners of the Lake Erie Walleye Trail (LEWT) Championship event in Ohio. That was until, a tournament official opened up a fish – and inadvertently a can of worms – to discover weights and extra fillets inside the bodies of their captures seemingly to get a higher weight.

A volatile few minutes followed, as fellow competitors vented their rage at Runyan. And after a clip of the bizarre incident was posted on Twitter, the verdicts of online fishing enthusiasts were equally damning.

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During the footage, Runyon is lambasted from all angles, with one man shouting “Get the f*** out of here!” while another yelled “Call the cops.” Others argued what happened amounted to criminal activity, with an irate competitor saying “That is f***ing theft, motherf***er.”

That was child's play compared to another assessment that came his way, as another ranted: “They’re been doing this s*** for years, cheating motherf***ers man. Piece of f***ing s***. You got a f***ing boat, you’ve got thousands of f***ing dollars. You stole from everyone.”

Lake Erie Walleye Trail director Jason Fischeron took to Facebook to apologise for not sussing out the fishy behaviour sooner: “Disgusted guys and gals, I’m sorry for letting you down for so long and I’m glad I caught cheating taking place in YOUR LEWT at the same time,” he said.

“I hope you know now that when I say, ‘You built this LEWT and I will defend its integrity at all costs,’ I mean it. You all deserve the best.”

What's the worst cheating scandal ever in sport? Let us know in the comments section.

Ahead of the season-finale championship event, Cominsky and Runyon were leading the season standings, winning numerous lucrative meetings along the way. But their integrity was already in question, with Toledo Blade reporting that they were previously disqualified from the Lake Erie Fall Brawl fishing event after one of the duo failed a lie-detector test.

The clip quickly went viral, prompting inevitable calls for their previous prize money to be returned: "I'd say the anger in this video was very much justified," wrote @radiocodex. Angler @JacobDK1232 added: "They cheated to win the tourney and the fish died as the result. No lie, those guys should be doing a little time."

It's the latest bizarre sporting cheating scandal, following the 'anal beads scandal' that has rocked the world of chess. Teenage sensation Hans Niemann has been accused of using sex toys in his shoes to help him decide what move to make.


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