Trainers frustrated with Racing Victoria’s handling of fallout from bungled Richard Laming integrity case

A prominent trainer has launched a stinging attack on Racing Victoria, accusing the regulator of “shutting up shop” after it bungled the case against Richard Laming.

RV has maintained a public silence on what led to charges being abruptly dropped last month and the employment status of the stewards named in the blundered hearing.

Speaking on a strict condition of anonymity, the respected participant said “everyone is filthy”.

“As a trainer you got to be very careful, you can't get off side with them (Racing Victoria), but they can’t be beyond themselves, where they say ‘we’re not commenting and that’s it’,” the trainer said.

“They make it worse for themselves, if they said ‘look, these two stewards have messed up and so they’ve been sacked’, I don’t think there’s anything more that anyone can expect, can they?”

RV announced on February 25 its investigation into “an issue”, which made continuing the Laming case “untenable”, would be overseen by the independent Victorian Racing Integrity Board.

The statement, issued about 24 hours after the abrupt withdrawal of charges before the Victorian Racing Tribunal, said the “isolated” issue did not involve “falsified or misleading evidence”.

Racing Victoria is yet to explain why charges were thrown out against trainer Richard Laming. Picture: AAPSource:AAP

The anonymous trainer said the stewards in question must be held accountable.

“I can’t see how they can continue to be part of the racing integrity department,” the trainer said.

“I sympathise with them (the stewards trying to do their job)…. but coming into my stables (in the future) and checking on regulations, I can't see how it can happen.

“As soon as a trainer is charged with something, you guys write it up straight away, which is your job, ‘so and so has been charged’, ‘so and so has been caught tubing’, whatever.

“It’s thrown around everywhere and yet, when these guys have messed up they say ‘bad luck, we’re not commenting’.”

The sentiment was echoed by multiple trainers News Australia and Racenet has spoken to in recent weeks.

“It doesn’t fill the trainers that don’t do it (cheat), which is the vast majority, with any confidence,” the trainer said.

“Everyone is filthy.”

RV would not be drawn on its investigation, other than to say it is “well underway” and has been “prioritised”.

A completion date would not be confirmed, either.

Originally published asBungled case leaves trainers ‘filthy’ over RV silence

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