Owners of Kosciuszko hopeful Kattegat make an offer that could be too good for slot-holders to pass up

Have you heard of the “Moruya Marvel” Kattegat? If you haven’t, it might be worth paying attention.

Because the ownership group behind Kattegat have made an offer almost impossible to refuse. When it comes to pushing the case for a horse’s inclusion in the field for the $1.3m The Kosciuszko at Royal Randwick on October 16, this is the gold standard.

For starters, do you fancy accommodation and tickets to the Moruya Cup? There’s a similar offer for the Forbes Cup, too.

If that sounds pretty good, what about four days motor home hire? In these Covid crackdown days, the only place we can holiday is in NSW anyway so why not make the most of it.

But stay with me. There’s also four nights’ accommodation in beautiful Merimbula. Couldn’t we all do with a break right now.

What about 12 months free phone charging anywhere in Australia from the 700 Ezycharge outlets? That’s a necessity.

Or the deck maintenance package? Actually, mine could do with a bit of TLC.

And there’s also five nights accommodation at the Shamrock Hotel in Temora with a complimentary meal at the Shamwok Chinese Restaurant. Doesn’t get much better than having Chinese in Paleface Adios territory.

Well, this is what you could win — but you need to be with the Thorotek Racing stables of trainer Natalie Jarvis and her talented bush sprinter Kattegat for The Kosciuszko.

It just so happens Jarvis, who trains out of picturesque Moruya, has Kattegat in career-best form with less than a month to The Kosciuszko selection.

Kattegat has won his last two starts, including an outstanding effort under 61kg at Forbes earlier this month.

“I was a bit concerned about the big weight on a wet track at Forbes,’’ Jarvis admitted.

“His sprint with a lower weight is like lightning but he still managed to reel them in so it was a very good win.

“We have given him a quick freshen up after Forbes and he is due back into the stables on Monday. The plan is then to look for a race in the first or second week of September.’’

Kattegat and stablemates enjoying a sunrise stroll and dip on the Moruya River foreshore. Picture: BradleysSource:Supplied

Kattegat is at $34 in early TAB fixed odds betting for The Kosciuszko. Unbeaten It’s Me is early favourite at $4.50 to go back-to-back in The Kosciuszko ahead of Country Championships Final winner Art Cadeau at $6, then brilliant sprinters Front Page and Victorem at $8.

This favoured quartet are almost certain to be selected for The Kosciuszko but other trainers and owners are coming up with ingenious ways to promote their sprinter.

Kattegat’s ownership group devised the bonus package of prizes for the slot-holder that selects their sprinter for The Kosciuszko.

“Until the tickets are drawn we won’t know if it has made much of an impact but it is getting shared on social media,’’ Jarvis said.

“The owners are from all around NSW and they find one of the best parts of having a country-trained horse is they get to travel around the state to watch their horse race.

“Each meeting they meet up with the other owners and become great friends. They wanted this experience to be part of the package for The Kosciuszko.

“So, a lot of the things in the bonus offer are travel and accommodation to meetings where we race. The idea is whoever is the winning ticket holder can become part of the team for the whole year.’’

There’s even an owner willing to get a tattoo of Thorotek Racing if Kattegat gets into The Kosciuszko – but more about him later.

The Kosciuszko is the world’s richest race for country-trained horses. Every runner is nominated by a Kosciuszko sweepstakes winner, with the $5 tickets available through the TAB App or at TAB venues and outlets.

The 14 winning ticket holders will be drawn on September 9. Each winner will then select a NSW country or ACT-trained horse to race in their slot after agreeing with the horse’s owner how they will share the prizemoney.

David Barnhill, the former NSW State of Origin rugby league star, is once again organising the Punters Club at the William Farrer Hotel in Wagga Wagga to invest in The Kosciuszko sweepstakes hoping to gain a slot.

“We’ve got about 700 in the club and we will probably buy around $40,000 worth of tickets,’’ said Barnhill, who recently sold the famous Wagga Wagga “watering hole’’ but remains in charge of the Punters Club.

“The concept is great. We like to support country trainers and owners.’’

David Barnhill’s William Farrer Hotel Punters Club is hoping for more The Kosciuszko success this year, and his 700 fellow club members will fork out around $40,000 buying up tickets to give the club every chance.Source:Supplied

Barnhill’s Punters Club has had a bit of luck in The Kosciuszko, too. In the first running of the race three years ago, they ended up with Awesome Pluck which ran third to Belflyer.

Barnhill revealed his Punters Club backed Awesome Pluck to run a place into Redzel to win The Everest for a $154,000 collect – on top of the $54,000 share of the race prizemoney.

If Barnhill’s Punters Club does get a Kosciuszko slot, then maybe Kattegat could be their choice of runner.

Which brings us back to one of Kattegat’s owners who has promised to get a “Thorotek Racing” tattoo if the horse is selected for The Kosciuszko.

His name is AJ Redman, a “chippie” from the South Coast who will let the slot-holder decide where he should have the tattoo – with one proviso.

“I always promised my mother nothing on the face, neck or hands, they are my three no-go zones,’’ Redman said on social media.

Redman described the chance of having a Kosciuszko runner as “beyond a dream” before making a strong case for Kattegat’s Kosciuszko inclusion.

“On the track, Kattegat’s a very honest horse. I won’t say he rarely runs a bad race, he never runs a bad race,’’ Redman said.

“Whoever picks Kattegat will have the best time of their life. We will meet you Saturday morning at the races and you will be getting home Tuesday at the earliest. We will be partying for three days whether he comes first or 14th.

“This race (The Kosciuszko) is The Everest for us country owners.’’

What’s included in the package:

● Accommodation and VIP tickets to the 2022 Moruya Cup, Calcutta and Golf Day in January

● Four days hire of a motor home

● Accommodation and VIP tickets to the 2022 Forbes Cup and Calcutta in August

●Five days accommodation at the Shamrock Hotel in Temora with a complimentary meal at the Shamwok Chinese restaurant

Deck maintenance package

12 months free phone charging anywhere in Australia from the 700 Ezycharge outlets

Four nights accommodation in Merimbula on South Coast

Originally published asIs this Kosciuszko offer too good to pass up?

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