World’s Scariest Man ‘couldn’t put food in mouth’ due to serious eating disorder

Bodybuilder Martyn Ford battled back from an eating disorder to become a man mountain known as the World’s Scariest Man.

Martyn, who is 6ft 8 ins and weighs 22 stone, can now leg press the weight of a smart car with one leg.

He has 3.4 million followers on Instagram who tune in to watch the fitness fanatics videos and has appeared in Hollywood movies such as Fast and Furious.

But Martyn, 39, from Minworth in the West Midlands, said one of the biggest fights of his life was battling an eating disorder.

He once starved himself so much he collapsed at the age of 19 on a walk with his mum.

The promising cricketer suffered an injury and was left unable to play and then contracted glandular fever, which took its toll on his mental health.

He said: “It allowed depression and anxiety to creep in. I was obsessed with trying to become something that I wasn’t.

“It was obvious I wouldn’t be able to make it as a cricketer but I wanted to do something in the fitness industry.

“I became obsessed with having a six pack.I was naive to food and the way the media portrays fitness individuals.

“I had a lot of pressure on my shoulders from myself to look a way and to be a certain way. It was also a lack of knowledge, I was only young at the time.

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“It was not something I planned to do – not that anyone plans to be anorexic or bulimic of course – I just don’t think I knew what I was doing.

“I started missing out carbs and fats, I’d try to fill up on vegetables and water and it started from there really, plus I would train for four hours a day.

“I started to see a change, I dropped a lot of body fat and became lean but I lost a lot of muscle too. I looked terrible, so haggard and old and ill.

“I’d say I had a pretty strong eating disorder for about six months. I physically couldn’t put the food in my mouth that I needed. Eating felt like I was being weak.

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“It was not a nice stage of my life and not one I like looking back on. I was nearly hospitalised, I ended up seeing a few doctors and a nutritionist and therapists. “

After he collapsed while out shopping Martyn decided enough was enough and forced himself to get help and address his issues.

He added: “From that day on I almost went back to normal, it was ever so bizarre and ever so weird.”

The bodybuilder is currently preparing to take on ‘Iranian Hulk’ Sajad Gharibi at the O2 in April in a clash dubbed the “heaviest of heavyweight”.

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