Wladimir Klitschko in Ukrainian plea to ‘entire world’ to stop Russia’s invasion

Wladimir Klitschko has used his prominence to send out a desperate rallying cry to the 'entire world' to help stop Russia amid their invasion of Ukraine.

The ongoing conflict continues to escalate but Ukraine are putting up resistance, with a combination of the country's trained troops and civilians baring arms managing to fend off attacks in several areas.

The bulk of Russian forces are currently around 20 miles from the centre of Ukraine's capital of Kyiv.

And more than 115,000 civilians have now crossed the border from Ukraine into Poland since Russia's invasion begin – according to Polish minister Pawel Szefernaker.

With the death toll rising, former boxing heavyweight champion Klitschko has issued a desperate plea to the entire world to help his country Ukraine in their fight against Russia.

The 45-year-old, who enlisted in Ukraine's reserve army earlier this. month, posted a video on Twitter on Saturday addressing the harrowing situation.

The clearly distraught sports star could be heard saying: "I'm Wladimir Klitschko and I am addressing the entire world to stop this war that Russia has started.

"Just today civilians were shot with the rockets, with special operations and civilians getting killed and it's happening in the heart of Europe.

"There is no time to wait because it's going to lead into a humanitarian catastrophe. You need to act now to stop Russian aggression with anything you can have now.

"In an hour, or by tomorrow, it's going to be too late. Please get into action now, don't wait. Act now. Stop this war."

It comes just days after the former heavyweight star posted an initial message on social media in the wake of Vladimir Putin ordering Russian troops into Ukraine.

"The world is watching how reckless and deadly imperialism is, not just for #Ukraine but the whole world," Klitschko wrote. "Let history be a lesson to not be repeated."

His brother, Vitali, also a former heavyweight boxing champion, has recently said he would take up arms alongside Wladimir to fight in the 'bloody war'.

Vitali, who has been the mayor of Ukraine's capital Kyiv since 2014, told ITV's Good Morning Britain: "I don’t have another choice, I have to do that. I’ll be fighting."

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