Anthony Joshua vs Tyson Fury venue and date: When will fight happen after confirmation?

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Boxing fans have finally got their wish of seeing Tyson Fury and Anthony Joshua go toe-to-toe in a unification bout with Eddie Hearn confirming an agreement is in place for a two-fight deal. Negotiations had been taking place for months with both boxers making it clear it was the only fight they were interested in.

Fans have been left disappointed over the years when it comes to seeing two of the sport’s biggest fighters in the ring together and it was feared that a similar situation would happen with Fury and Joshua.

Both are still at the top of their game with Joshua being 31 years of age and Fury a year older.

But representatives for both fighters have now come to an agreement on the biggest boxing fight in British history.

“We’d like to get a site deal confirmed in the next month,” Hearn said.

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“The hard part is always getting everybody to put pen to paper. But this was a major effort from all parties to get this over the line. You had rival promoters, rival networks and rival fighters.”

Attention will now turn to when the first of the two bouts will take place, and where.

British fans have been desperate for the fight to take place in the UK, but Hearn raised doubts on the prospect of London hosting the bout.

Boris Johnson set out a roadmap for the country to lift all restrictions on the current lockdown situation by June, with sporting venues potentially being open to full capacity.


Bob Arum, Fury’s US co-promoter, did list Wembley as a viable option, but Hearn wasn’t so sure.

“I don’t like to give people false hopes. I saw Bob’s interview. ‘Yeah, Wembley is an option, Vegas is an option’ – I don’t believe that. I don’t believe it is,” Hearn said.

“Do you honestly think Bob Arum gives a monkeys about the UK fans? I mean come on. You’ve seen the comments about his fighters lately.”

Instead, Hearn listed Saudia Arabia, Qatar, Abu Dhabi, Singapore, China and Las Vegas as potential venues.

Part of the reason for Hearn’s pessimism on Wembley hosting the blockbuster heavyweight match is due to when the fight looks set to be scheduled for.

All signs have pointed towards the fight taking place at the end of June and with England potentially only lifting all restrictions by June 21 at the earliest.

And Hearn questioned whether the country will actually be in a position to fill the biggest stadium in time.

He said: “Can you really sit there with confidence and say we’re going to be allowed 100,000 people in June in Wembley?”

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